Limiting Beliefs &
Troubling Thoughts
Limiting Beliefs, Procrastination & Performance
Whether in your sport, your art, or music, during examinations and study, or perhaps presenting a talk, or in business or a relationship – have you ever experienced limitations or restrictions? Perhaps beliefs of unworthiness or not deserving? Fear of attaining what you would like?
When we’re in a flow state it’s as if our mind body are synchronised. Whether in business or sport or relationships, there is alignment.
Often there can be limitations or blocks that the mind may unconsciously keep in place as a protective mechanism to perceived threat. The problem being, that there is no genuine threat. The limiting belief o feeling has been assimilated from an earlier time or from events and has become a default.
We will assist you dissolve in limiting beliefs help you to dis-assemble any patterns that may be hindering you reaching your full potential, and sharpen your focus, light up your system so that you can operate at your peak. So that mind and physiology are in flow and alignment. If you’re ready to take that next step now, why not book your
first appointment with a Now
Troubling Thinking or Negative Thoughts
Sometimes we pick up thought patterns along the way and at some point they become unconscious. Perhaps critical thoughts of ones self or maybe focussing on negative outcomes and catastrophising causing one to feel stuck.
The thing with thoughts running that are less than helpful is that we are constantly listening to ourselves and can end up unknowingly conditioning patterns that limit us for even cause suffering. Depressive thinking styles, for example, back and white thinking, globalising etc. engender emotional response and stress that can eventually tip someone into depression.
And avoiding certain things because we aren’t sure we can do them perfectly can be just as problematic and debilitating, interfering with our lives or the lives of those around us. Learning to thing expansively and even reverse engineer our evolutionary bent towards threat, can open up vistas and opportunities not dreamed of.
Hypnotherapy and RRT can can be extremely beneficial in these areas as we gently communicate with the unconscious mind where patterns or strategies that preclude you from moving forward may reside. Often these are structures that may have served us at one time but have outlived their usefulness and keep us from doing and being what we want.

Strategic Hypnotherapy can help neutralise procrastination so you can get on with getting where you want to be
If there is a part of you holding you back, if you’re just not quite in sync with what you want to achieve, then now is a great time to take that first step for change and book a personal session with Quantum Hypnotherapy.
You may very well find yourself asking why you didn’t do it earlier.
If you’re ready to take that next step now, your first appointment with a FREE first 20 minutes to decide if Strategic Hypnotherapy is for you, is only a click away.